RPG Water Catalyst Water
Customers who drink, bathe in, and/or spray RPG Water report:
RPG Water feels velvety…
RPG Water is “Soothing Water”…
Has a very smooth taste…
Is quickly absorbed through the skin…
Relieves charley horses…
Erases surface bruises…
Comforts dry eyes and inflammation…
Slows blood flow on contact…
Reduces liver spots on skin…
Makes hair soft and manageable…
Requires less shampoo, conditioner, detergent, etc.
Fingernails grow stronger.
Soothes dry scaly skin.
Takes the “burn” out of yellow jacket stings…
RPG Water does not spot…
RPG Water cuts through cooked on cheese and egg yolk without scrubbing or detergents…
Removes dried bugs on windshields…
Dissolves lime buildup in water heaters…
RPG Water is sufficient for many cleaning jobs without the addition of cleaning products…A great benefit to allergy sufferers.
Dissolves lime buildup on tubs, showerheads, walls and also in tea kettles…
Shiny floors and cars without cleaners or detergents.
Dogs, horses and cattle love RPG Water…
RPG Water Catalyst water will cut the lime scale buildup from water heaters, tea kettles, humidifiers, and other fixtures and appliances in which scale will settle out and form rock hard deposits.
While it is difficult to see the process taking place in a water heater, one of our customers took pictures of the scale build up in her humidifier. These pictures were taken over a period of two weeks. The white cap was very hard and couldn’t be chipped with a pick.